Tag Archives: Kasidie.com

Episode 6 “Liars, Tigers, and Poor Communicators, Oh My”

In Episode 6, “Liars, TIgers, and Poor Communicators, Oh My”…..we cover the importance of good communication skills.

During this time Of Covid-19 quarantine, we realize that we as a couple need to work on how we speak to not only each other, but how to make our communications clear with those we meet and pursue in the swinging lifestyle.

We talk about instances where the communication between the 2 of us wasn’t as tight as it should be, and tell a few stories where our interaction with couples we have pursued haven’t been clear enough to accurately make a connection.

Tune in before Mrs Flamingo goes all Carol Baskin, and feeds Mr Flamingo to the tigers! 

Episode 5 “Lets Talk Turn-On’s and Turn-Off’s”

In Episode 5 “Lets Talk Turn-On’s and Turn-Off’s” we do just that. We go thru some of the things that are positive and negatives for both Mr and Mrs Flamingo when it comes to what we like, as well as dislike in the bedroom.

We dig deeper into what we like in partners, as well as reveal our secret celebrity crushes.

We finish this episode with a game we encourage newbie to play, that will help them identify what they want from partners, as well as build trust in each other.

We hope you’ll come “Flamingle” with us!